April Issue 2022


We welcome you to another issue of nutrition insights!

In this issue we talk about something that is widely loved by people of all ages, “CHOCOLATE”

We all love chocolate, but have we ever wondered where did this flavoursome delicacy come from? Did it just grow on trees? If that is what you think then you are absolutely right, the beans from which chocolate is made grows on trees. Some say chocolate is a fruit and some argue it is a vegetable, but what is it exactly? Most people know that chocolate comes from cacao beans, and in turn, cacao beans come from the cacao pod, which might make chocolate a nut!

In this issue we highlight some important aspects of chocolate, and its types. Herein we talk about the history of chocolate and its incorporation into nutrition, We also explicate the medical and health benefits of consuming chocolate. We highlight the nutritional importance and its role in maintaining a good health. This issue also features articles on cacao the fruit and bust common myths associated with its consumption. Towards the end, as always, we share some yummy, easy to make, healthy recipes and also give you a chance to feature your recipes and expertise in our upcoming issues!

Nutrition Insights is also coming up with a Healthy 365 day-recipe booklet and would love to invite one and all to feature their recipes and be a part of the venture.

Hope you enjoy reading this issue!

Happy Reading!

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