May-June Issue 2022


We welcome you to another issue of nutrition insights!

In this issue, we talk about a nutrient that our body needs in micro amounts but is important and vital for healthy living.

The term “VITAMIN” was coined by Dr. Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamins were originally called VITAMINES which was short for VITA which meant life and AMINES, the substance they were made off as it was originally thought but later found out that most of them were not and hence the name shortened to AMINS. Also, something interesting about vitamins is their names. We have vitamins from A to E with 8 different B vitamins which somehow number up to B12! And then we have vitamin K which was discovered by the Germans and since vitamin K is for “Koagulation” hence named Vitamin K.

In this issue, we highlight some important aspects of Vitamins and their types. Herein we understand the importance of vitamins in the human body, and how certain vitamins and their consumption are important in the growth phase of an individual. We also elucidate the importance of nutrition for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. We highlight the nutritional importance and the role of vitamins in pregnancy and pediatric development. This issue also features articles on passionfruit fruit and as always brings to you bursting common myths around vitamins. Towards the end, we share some yummy, easy-to-make, healthy recipes and also give you a chance to feature your recipes and expertise in our upcoming issues!

Nutrition Insights is also coming up with a Healthy 365 day-recipe booklet and would love to invite one and all to feature their recipes and be a part of the venture.

Hope you enjoy reading this issue!

Happy Reading!

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