Health Benefits of Raw Mango


Mango has been the oldest fruit of India and is cultivated in the country for the last 4,000 years. Though there are over 500 varieties of mangoes, only about 35 of them are cultivated in India. The general belief is that only ripened mangoes are nutritious and palatable and unripe fruits are commonly used for making pickles and sauces. The fact, however, is that unripe mangoes are the best source of vitamin C. According to a recent research, green (unripe) mango of Langra variety, weighing 300 grams (approx), yields as much vitamin C as 35 apples or 18 bananas or nine lemons or three oranges or a pineapple weighing one kg.

The glycemic index for 120 g of mango is 60, which qualifies the fruit as moderate on the glycemic index scale. However, because green mangoes have high water content, the amount of carbohydrate by weight makes the glycemic load score a 9. A green mango is a low-glycemic-load food.

In India, green mango is used as a medicine for various gastro-intestinal, bilious and blood disorders. 

  • Bilious disorders: The acids in the green mango increase the secretion of bile and act as an intestinal antiseptic.
  • Blood disorders: The curative value is attributed to its vitamin C content. It increases the elasticity of the blood vessels, helps formation of new blood cells, aids absorption of iron, prevents bleeding tendencies and cures scurvy.
  • Unripe green mangoes are effective in the treatment of gastro-intestinal troubles. It helps cure diarrhea due to heat, morning sickness, constipation, dysentery, chronic dyspepsia and indigestion.
  • Raw mangoes have a lot of potassium which balances the electrolytes. This process helps in keeping the blood pressure under control.
  • Prevents infections, increases body resistance against tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, anemia etc. It tones up the heart, nerves and cures palpitation of the heart, nervous tension, insomnia and weakness of the memory. 
  • Unripened mango contains higher amounts of digestive-resistant starch than ripe ones, which is important for optimal gut health.

So, what does the Digestive-Resistant Starch do?

Digestive-resistant starches are low-viscous fibers that resist digestion in the small intestine and slowly ferment in your large intestine, where they act as prebiotics — feeding healthy bacteria. Because of the slow fermentation, they won’t make you gassy. While they do release gas, they tend to do so over a longer time and produce less pressure against the gut lining. They also add significant bulk to your stools, and help you maintain regular bowel movements. Being indigestible, they do not cause blood sugar spikes. Research suggests resistant starches help improve insulin regulation, reducing your risk of insulin resistance.

  • Prevents sun-stroke.
  • It boosts immune system: Raw mango has vitamins like vitamin A (Supports your immune system, maintains healthy skin) and C (Supports strong neurologic function, collagen formation, immune function, and wound healing).

HOWEVER: Avoid eating more than one unripe mango per day, as it may cause throat irritation and/or indigestion when eaten in excess. Also avoid drinking cold water immediately afterward, as it coagulates the sap, thereby increasing the risk of irritation.

Author: Ms. Laxmi Govekar (MSc. CND)

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