Homemade Cow ghee – Is the effort worth taking?


Cold, creamy, nutritious and delicious. Perfect smoothie to drink every morning for breakfast this summer.

For thousands of years homemade COW GHEE has been used in India extensively for cooking and medicinal purposes. Ghee has been effective in boosting digestive strength by stimulating secretion of enzymes, its consumption has been enhancing bone power & stamina and ghee intake at a sustained level improves body’s resistance to numerous disorders. Ghee has been great for the development of body tissues and enables the sense organs to function properly. It enhances capabilities of the brain like memory, wisdom, genius and intellect. Ghee consists of fat soluble vitamins, which aid weight loss. Ghee also plays a key role in balancing hormones and maintaining healthy cholesterol. Ghee also has a high heat point, which prevents it from producing free radicals that damage cell function.

One of Ayurveda’s most treasured foods, ghee has incredible healing properties. In fact during our childhood we have seen Ghee has been used in dals, khichadi and thick applications on yummy chapattis. But swapping ghee with so called refined oil has been one of the biggest blunders and still we are paying price for it.

Commercialization of Ghee as well as myths regards to ghee consumption had reduced its intake among Indian families, which resulted in deprived enormous benefits of ghee consumption. Few decades ago Cow GHEE has been made in each home of village because every home had minimum one COW and the fresh milk was used to prepare Ghee at home. Since it was none adulterated, the consumption of COW Ghee was immense, which resulted in healthy and happy families.

Various myths and misinterpretations by local as well as western media and public stopped us from using required quantity COW GHEE for many years.  Commercialization of COW Ghee has made remarkable difference in quality reduction and benefits of Ghee. Today any branded COW GHEE made available at INR 400 to INR 600 per Kg/Ltr. When I did production costing of COW GHEE I Surprisingly found that we need minimum 20 Ltr of COW MILK to produce one kg/Ltr of Ghee. The total minimum cost of Milk as well boiling and other process will cost us minimum INR 1500 to produce one kg/Ltr of Ghee. Even considering bulk production parameter cannot reduce manufacturing cost below INR 1200. As per my estimate the actual cost to produce one kg/Ltr of Ghee considering production, logistics, profit of manufacturer, distributor margin, dealer margin, shop margin and taxes should not go below INR 1500. Then wondering how currently COW GHEE made available in only 400 to 600 per kg/Ltr? This data greatly reveals that logically COW Ghee has been adulterated or being made using nontraditional cheap techniques and processes to make it viable commercially compromising quality of Ghee.

Recently news was surfaced that laboratory tests revealed that many brands of ghee manufactured in India are adulterated with the body fat of animals. Using an Infrared Spectrum test, Anatech laboratory research center analyzed a variety of brands and confirmed that much of India’s ghee production is contaminated. India TV, amongst other channels, aired footage filmed at some of the ghee manufacturing plants. The footage revealed what vegetarians had feared. It confirmed that animals were being rendered and their fat added to ghee products to make it cheaper. One factory allegedly adulterates ghee with a chemical named Styrai which is usually only used for detergent and soap. Excessive consumption of Styrai is said to cause liver diseases including cancer. 

Considering enormous health benefits of cow ghee I suggest start making Ghee at home and avoid purchase of any Ghee brands unless until you not verifying its quality by lab testing. There might be few brands making ghee traditionally and could be cheaper compared to making ghee at home. I only suggest do not follow things advertised blindly, just verify facts for health of your loved ones. At the end we all know that nature had provided us all what we need to remain healthy and sound, but we forgot how our great grandparents remained healthy for their entire lifespan. Start believing and practicing our traditional food habits and lifestyle to remain disease free for rest of your life.

Dr Pravin Parmar

The author is India’s first Satvik Nutritionist and a founder of SATVIK NUTRITION, promoting Indian ancient healthy lifestyle to general public for their wellbeing.



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