Coffee Culture


Cold, creamy, nutritious and delicious. Perfect smoothie to drink every morning for breakfast this summer.

With over 400 billion cups of coffee consumed every year, coffee is one of the most popular beverages of the town. The aroma of coffee that we all have grown to love, an aroma which contains more than 700 substances, but the highest is caffeine!

Didn’t know that did you? Let’s find out some more known and unknown interesting things about this coffee culture that has bit the millennial crowd.


The origin of coffee is presumably believed to be Ethiopia. Coffee was launched in the 15th century and with the contribution of Arabs came to Europe almost after a decade. It is said to be the second most commercialized product in the world after oil.

What is your knowledge about the capital city of coffee?

It is Seattle! This incidentally is also the birth place of the world’s largest roaster and retailer of coffee- Starbucks!!!


The coffee beans undergo 5 steps to give us the morning kick for our day. The steps follow the ladder as, growing and picking of the wonderful coffee beans, milling, drying, parchment removal and roasting.

Phew! Didn’t know so much work went for a cup of morning goodness, did you?

As perfectly expressed in of the coffee ad’s, the Thank You for a wonderful Coffee should go to the farmers for handpicking the best beans, then sun drying them, and almost fighting with all the conditions, so that the best coffee reaches you.


Worldwide it is estimated that we drink 1.6 billion cups of coffee every day. The highest consumption of coffee was found to be in Finns with 5.4 cups per day, whereas the famous British’s who are tea lovers, their coffee consumption was 1.2 cups per day. The Americans are the biggest drinkers of coffee in the world, which corresponds to 400 million a day which can surprisingly fill 14 statues of Liberty.

Indian coffee retail market is increasing. Increasing global exposure, western culture and penetration of established coffee brands are anticipated to be the key contributors to the growth of Indian retail coffee chain market.

The most expensive coffee in the world is ‘Black Ivory’ and costs more than 1000 dollars per kilo.


So how did this long process shorten to readying the tasty cup coffee in less than 30 seconds?

The product that officially became instant coffee, which we drink today, was the work of a man called David Strang from New Zealand in 1890. He was the founder of a company called Strang’s Coffee. He not only patented his invention but also the process- dry hot air, for making instant coffee.

So like every instant food these days, is it bad for you or has some redeeming qualities?

The good part is it’s easy to prepare and has varieties to choose from- iced instant coffee, blended instant coffee, instant latte – choice is all yours!

The bad part is some people may have issues of that mouth feel which is not observed in fresh coffee tastes. If talking about the preparation time, the process gives no time for a connection or to bond with your partner over a cup of coffee. It’s also observed that instant coffee decreases the iron absorption and may increase the risk of carcinogenicity. However remember, quantity is the one which plays the major role.

So make a choice for yourself. Either a conventional cup of coffee or a quick modern one!


Depending on whom you ask, coffee is either super healthy or very harmful beverage.

Coffee, may help protect against type 2 diabetes. An inverse co relation was found between coffee consumption and risk for type 2 diabetes in a study done by Dr Simin Liu. The Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers gathered data which concluded that increased coffee consumption may reduce the risk of diabetes.

According to data published in the journal Neurology, by Research Institute of the McGill University, caffeine in coffee may help control movement in people suffering from Parkinson’s.

Italian researches suggest that coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by 40%.

Researches at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre (BIDMC) concluded that drinking coffee in moderate protects against heart failure. They also defined the moderate amount that is 8- ounce American Servings per day.

The villain substance in coffee is Caffeine. Caffeine is thought to be a stimulant that affects and disrupts sleep. It has also been observed that coffee delays body’s internal clock

COFFEE MUSEUM: (suggestion – Optional and can be placed after instant coffee)

Yes, you read it correct. Your favorite coffee has famous museums on its name.

Not 1 but 2 museums in 2 different continents, one in Brazil and the other in Austria.

Brazil Coffee Museum, Santos, Brazil-In Brazil, the visitor of this museum enjoys a real time travel. The long path of coffee from the arrival till the current plantations development is beautifully expressed in the museum. Above this, the coffee making process, Brazilian farms, social and economic changes caused by coffee are some other features which are displayed in the museum. The museum also plays a role in Barista training. In addition to the monthly courses, other classes, seminars, workshops and discussions are conducted in evening session.

The Café Museum of Vienaa, Austria is operated by Kaffee Kompetenz Zentrum. Various events, workshops are conducted on daily basis here. The primary goal of this museum is the emphasis of coffee’s economic, social and cultural aspects to its people. In addition to the permanent exhibition, special temporary exhibitions are also conducted frequently. The place is also given for live concerts, readings, product presentations and seminars.


Certainly, coffee has some good qualities and some bad (like Star Wars). Intake of coffee in limited amounts is the key mantra to enjoy the benefits of this beverage.

 However, is it worth the effort? Try it and decide for yourself. Certainly it will be different than what you have become accustomed.

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