

Cold, creamy, nutritious and delicious. Perfect smoothie to drink every morning for breakfast this summer.

“CHOCOLATE DOESN’T ASK SILLY QUESTIONS, CHOCOLATE UNDERSTANDS”, chocolate lover will understand this quote. Ever wondered about this piece of sweetness originated?


For us chocolate means, ‘something to eat’ and ‘not to drink’. But for about 90 percent of chocolate’s long history, it was strictly a beverage, and sugar didn’t have anything to do with it. The term “cacao” refer to the plant or its beans before processing, whereas the term “chocolate” refers to anything which is made from those beans. “cocoa” generally refers to chocolate in a powdered form. Etymologists trace the origin of the word “chocolate” to the Aztec word “xocoati” which refers to a bitter drink made from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree means “food of the Gods”. Historians estimate that chocolates existence belong to about 2000 years ago belonging to ancient Olmecs of southern Mexico.

For several centuries in pre-modern Latin America, cacao beans were considered valuable enough to use as currency. Traders, explorers and travelers introduce cocoa to Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany and eventually Switzerland. By the 17th century, chocolate was a fashionable drink throughout Europe, believed to have nutritious and medicinal properties.

The creation of the first modern chocolate bar is credited to Joseph Fry, who in 1847 discovered that he could make a moldable chocolate paste by adding melted cacao butter back into Dutch cocoa


In the 21st century, the word “chocolate’’ expands to include a range of affordable treats than the actual cacao. The future of chocolate looks promising! Even continents like Asia that do not have long history for chocolates, are enthusiastically discovering “food of the Gods”


Mintel research concluded that in 2016 an estimated 228 thousand tonnes of chocolate confectionary was consumed by Indians. The popularity and consumption of chocolates was related to several factors such as affordability, chocolate being Indians favorite snacks and also the fact that Indians think that chocolate is beneficial and convenient. Mintel forecasts that the country’s chocolate market will hit Rs 32000 crore by 2020 which is almost 160% high from the year 2015.

Fortunately or unfortunately as you put up, India still trails western countries mainly US whose 2016 consumption  of chocolate was found to be 1.3 milliomn tonnes.


Chocolate for a better mood-chocolate is thought to be a mood elevator especially in high pressure or stress full situation

Chocolate for a healthy heart-chocolate consumption was seen to improve cardio vascular health and lead to less occasions of heart attack according to one study. It was found that the polyphenols in cacao increases HDL cholesterol whereas the magnesium and flavanols found in the dark chocolate keeps the blood vessels open and regulate the heart rate. However the amounts of flavanols should be large enough to have this beneficial effect of chocolates, which makes us think about the quantity consumed for this effect. One can get the same effect of flavanols from different sources of fruits and vegetables also. So rethink before high consumption of chocolate for this benefit.

Chocolate for healthy skin-chocolate helps to maintain healthy skin by increasing the blood flow.  High flavones also increases skin density and thickness as well as improves better hydration. And thus for all this reasons with other benefits of chocolate, it is said to be effective as anti-ageing products.

Other benefits- chocolate seems to improve blood glucose levels, lower down the high blood pressure, some studies assume that chocolate have prebiotic properties.


There are no such established dosage for chocolate consumption. Eating in moderation is however always a safe option. Also, never replace healthy foods (fruits and vegetables) with chocolate. Finally as said, Happiness is an unexpected piece of chocolate, so enjoy your chocolate.

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